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Understanding and Implementing Projects using EU Procurement Procedures

This detailed five-day course is designed to enhance capacity and understanding in the areas of the 3 main Procurement Contracts of the EU i.e. Services, Supplies and Works. The course will clarify the roles of the various actors in the procurement process such as the National Authorising Officer, Line Ministries, EU Delegation and Technical Assistance. An important aspect of the course will be a step by step approach to preparing and evaluating a tender dossier as well as managing a contract using the EU financial and contractual  procedures. 

Upcoming training workshop

  • Course name:

    Understanding and Implementing Projects using EU Procurement Procedures

  • Dates:

    to be scheduled
  • Duration:

    5 days
  • Venue:

    Accra, Ghana
  • Price:

    2000 US$
  • Description

    • The course examines the 3 main procurement contracts i.e. services, supplies and works used to implement an EU Financing Agreement . The different Management Modes used by the EU for Procurement Contracts will be explained. The roles of the National Authorising Officer (NAO) and the EU Head of Delegation in Procurement Contracts will be compared and explained in detail. An important aspect of the training will include the process of  preparing, launching  and evaluating tender dossiers. Particular emphasis will be put on how to prepare Terms of Reference and and detailed Technical Specifications. The requirements of how to manage a contract according to EU procedures will also explained.

    • The eligibility criteria of the experts and companies who can participate in EU funded projects will be clarified; in terms of nationality as well as the origin of goods.
    • The 7 main types of procedures and contract thresholds will be defined and discussed in detail to ensure the appropriate procedure is chosen for the procurement in question i.e. Services, Supplies and Works ( The 7 procurement types: Open, Restricted, Framework Contract, Competitive Negotiated Procedure,  Negotiated Procedure, Dynamic Purchase and Competitive Dialogue)
    • The Forecast Notice which is the first step in procurement procedure and contains minimum information about forth coming tender  will explained in detail to ensure potential tenderers  gain interest and begin to prepare the forth coming tender. 
    • Procurement notice, the second stage in the procurement procedure will be explained with emphasis on the principles of selection criteria . The selection criteria will be used to select  short listed companies/experts who will be invited to tender.
    • Using the latest Practical Guide to contract procedures for EU external actions  a Tender Dossier will be prepared following a step by step approach. Important aspects of the tender preparation such as deadlines for submission and  validity period  during the tenders are bound will be discussed with the critical point highlighted.
    • The Terms of Reference/Technical Specifications, which determines the success of the contract will be elaborated using the appropriate templates.
    • The composition and role of the Evaluation Committee will be explained. The entire process of evaluating the Tender Dossiers i.e. from receipt of tenders through examination of bids to award of contracts will be explained in great detail in a practical hands-on approach. In particular the 4  principles of award of contract will be elaborated. i.e. Transparency, Proportionality, Equal Treatment and Non-Discimination.
    • The important aspects of managing a contract during Implementation will be discussed. In particular essentail tips on how to follow EU procedures to ensure success of the contract delivery will be explained.  Amendment of Contracts during implementation will also be discussed.
    • Tenderers  may be required to provide Financial Guarantees by Contracting Authority particularly for tenders of high values. The whole range of Financial Guarantees will be explained. The guarantees include tender guarantee, performance guarantee, advance-financing guarantee and  retention guarantee.
    • One of the most problematic aspects of execution of contracts is closure after implementation of the main activities. A step by step approach to that guarantees  timely closure of contracts as well as  minimising ineligible expenditure will be discussed.
  • Objective

    The principal workshop objective is to ensure that participants have enhanced capacity and better understanding in implementing projects using EU Procurement Procedures. 

  • Audience

    The target audience includes those involved in EU projects or likely to be involved in EU procurement contracts; particularly policy makers (Government and Donors/Development Partners), Planning Officers of Line Ministries and NGOs, Technical Assistants/consultants and bidding companies.

  • Pre-requisites

    Basic knowledge of Project Cycle Management and the Logical Framework Approach is a pre-requisite for this training.

  • Learning outcomes

    Participants will have a better understanding of:

    •  the management modes used by the EU for procurement contracts
    •  the different range of procurement types used by the EU
    •  how to prepare a comprehensive Tender Dossier
    •  how to prepare Terms of Reference to ensure the success of a contract
    •  how  to evaluate Tender Dossiers
    •  how to manage the implementation of EU funding contracts according to the latest  Practical Guide of EU Contractual and Financial Procedures
    •  how to close EU funded contracts in a timely manner to preventing ineligible expenditure.
  • Learning methods

    The learning method will be based on the principles of adult learning in a participatory manner. Case studies will be used of existing projects which participants are involved in; or of their new projects in the design and preparatory stage. The aim of this approach is to ensure relevance and direct application of the tools acquired.

  • Course code:

  • Programme:

    Public Policy and Development Economics
  • Level:

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