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Our Approach to Capacity Development

Capacity Development is the process through which individuals, organisations and societies obtain, strengthen and maintain the capabilities to set and achieve their own strategic and development objectives over time.  Capacity Development support involves considerably more than just training.  Of course training is an important element but also required are follow up support, coaching, management tools and toolkits, peer-to-peer networking support, reference information and monitoring and evaluation.

Capacity Development helps strengthen institutions to perform better and more consistently over time and to respond successfully to shocks and change. Capacity Development concerns both the public and private sectors since the context for developing capacity must be a key ingredient of the development or improvement strategy. 

Idilmat's capacity development solutions are focused upon assisting its clients in the public and privates sectors to meet their strategic and development objectives.

We carefully integrate the following elements to provide a strong foundation for idilmat's success in promoting the capabilities and knowledge base of our clients:

  • The relevant global experience, qualifications, passion and dedication of our team.

  • Our simultaneous focus on and coherent approach to meeting the needs of both the private and public sectors.

  • Our network of leading regional and international experts.

  • Our built-in follow-up components and complimentary services, tools and products that enhance and extend the professional development workshop experience.

  • Our formal associations with other leading institutions and firms with relevant practical knowledge and experience in the target market and in the areas of focus.  To assure full responsiveness to our clients and to continue to be able to deliver relevant capacity  development solutions, we currently have established strategic partnerships with following firms.

    • Swedaudit - Stockholm, Sweden
    • Centre for Financial and Management Studies (CeFIMS), School of Oriental and African
      Studies (SOAS), University of London
    • Caribbean Procurement Institute - Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies
    • ADE - Consulting and Advisory Services - Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
    • ECORYS - Consulting - Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Our state-of-the-art facilities and location in Ghana a country which extends its development experience literally on a daily basis and creates a not atypical working context for idilmat. This serves as a great source of inspiration to us as well as providing continuing exposure to developing country challenges.


Our approach and emphasis in our professional development workshops and distance learning courses seeks to establish basic principles, adopt simple frameworks and analogies, and review case studies along with practical group exercises. We employ multimedia presentations with audio, video and graphics to enhance the effectiveness and communication impact of the instructors. Many courses include invited distinguished guest speakers that greatly enhance topical elements within the course.

For a number of professional development workshops, we employ computerised simulations of business and public sector systems to enhance our participants’ practical feel and understanding of the subject matter, management issue or technical process. We focus on the relevant and deem this key to the success of our effectiveness as an institute that can respond to clients across the globe.

Our website offers facilities to support a peer-to-peer professional development network to encourage the sharing of experience, ideas and information, between alumni of the institute. It also serves an electronic resource centre for accessing relevant information of importance to capacity development in the developing world context.

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