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Göran Steen

Göran Steen Göran Steen, is from Sweden and brings his vast experience in audit and public finance management issues to the idilmat capacity development Network. He currently serves as the Managing Director for Swedaudit, has more than 30 years experience from Public Service in Sweden. He has been Audit Director and International Director within the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO). As International Director and later as consultant, he has more than 20 years experience of working internationally, mostly in cooperation with Sida with project management and implementation of long term projects for Institutional Capacity Building in number of countries in Africa, Europe and central America. As a consultant, from 2004, he has worked in Asia, Africa and South America for Sida, NORAD, DANIDA, EC, WB, IADB, GAVI and SNAO in a variety of assignments including a number of PEFA studies, PFM evaluations, assessments and feasibility studies. Göran Steen has also a long and diversified experience of European and international cooperation within EUROSAI and INTOSAI and also from cooperation of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) in the EU context. He assisted the work of INTOSAI Auditing Standards Committee and its sub-committees at the time when SNAO had the chairmanship. Göran Steen has also been active in Nordic Cooperation. In Sweden he has had Official commissions from Government and Municipalities and commissions of trust in different non-profit associations. He is currently member of the Board and Treasurer in the Swedish chapter of Transparency International (TI). Göran Steen (MSc.) has studied Administrative Law, Economy, Organisational Sociology and Psychology.


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